Research & Publication
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My publications
S. Kongsilp and M.N. Dailey, Displays 49, 72–79 (2017), Elsevier Journal.
S. Kongsilp, M.Ruensuk, M.N. Dailey and T.Komuro, In International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE '17).
S. Kongsilp and M.N. Dailey (2017, March), In 20th ICIN Conference Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks.
S. Kongsilp, S. Sontisirikit, & M.N. Dailey (2015, November), In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Engineering, Energy and Environment.
Maidi, M., Preda, M., Dailey, M. N., & Kongsilp, S. (2013, October), In Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 246-251). IEEE.